Другие материалы рубрики «English»

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    Alyaksandr Lukashenka traditionally filled his Victory Day speech with combative anti-Western remarks...
  2. Minsk wants Lukashenka to be invited to Eastern Partnership summit
    The diplomat recalled that Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg had handed Mr. Lukashenka an invitation to the 2009 summit at which the Eastern Partnership program was launched...


Easter services attended by over 175,000 churchgoers in Minsk

More than 175,000 Minsk residents attended Easter services at the city's 25 Orthodox and 10 Roman Catholic churches on April 3 and 4, the Belarusian capital's police said, as quoted by BelaPAN.

As many as 290 police officers were present near the city's churches on Easter eve on April 3, but the number fell to 110 the following day.

A total of over 1,380,000 people visited churches across Belarus for Easter services on April 3 and 4, according to the interior ministry.

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