Другие материалы рубрики «English»

  1. Human rights groups condemn European Olympic Committees for “sportswashing” human rights abuses in Azerbaijan
    The coalition also condemns EOC President Patrick Hickey for praising the Azerbaijani leader, Ilham Aliyev.
  2. Kobryn-based opposition activist Ales Mekh launches presidential bid
    Apart from Mr. Mekh, six persons have already announced their intention to run in this year’s presidential election...


Lukashenka directs that entertainment shows on radio and television be “limited” on day of Polish president’s funeral

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has directed all state television networks and radio stations to “limit” entertainment shows on April 18, the day of the funeral of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and other victims of the April 10 plane crash, said the press office of the Belarusian leader, BelaPAN reports.

In particular, according to the press office, Mr. Lukashenka has “recommended” that entertainment shows should not be broadcast between noon and 6 p.m. The head of state has also called on non-state broadcasting media outlets to “revise” their programming for Sunday.

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