Другие материалы рубрики «English»

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Belarus is ready for “frankest” discussion of all issues with United States

Belarus is ready for the “frankest” discussion of all issues with the United States, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said on April 20 in his annual address to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly, BelaPAN reports.

"However, we expect this dialogue to be mutually respectful, sincere, unbiased and free of double standards," the Belarusian leader said. "We keep being aimed at full-scale bilateral normalization. It would be in the interests of both Minsk and Washington. We have enough spheres for mutually beneficial cooperation. There are points where our interests coincide."

The first steps that Belarus is proposing to the administration of US President Barack Obama in this regard "give rise to optimism in the world," Mr. Lukashenka said. "We’re in a positive mood," he said. "Contacts with American representatives, including my meeting with a delegation of the US Congress [in June 2009] indicate a mutual interest," he said. "However, a civilized and really efficient dialogue is hardly possible if one of the countries is under open pressure."

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