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Lukashenka: Europe’s demands are unacceptable

Alyaksandr Lukashenka said last week that “what Europeans demand today is unacceptable for us.”

“I cannot pursue a policy in the interests of groups, clans or someone else,” he said in an interview with EuroNews that was also broadcast by Belarusian television on June 26, as quoted by BelaPAN.

“I can pursue a policy only in the interests of the Belarusian people. I will do what the Belarusian people thinks and demands today,” he said.

Mr. Lukashenka noted that “our people want to live in their own country.” “We won’t be turning anywhere or making some U-turn, we will stay on our piece of land. We will be living here without creating any problems for anyone, above all for our neighbors. And our neighbors are Russia on one side and the European Union on the other. And we have never created any problems unless they have tried to bend us, compel us by force to solve some problems or issues,” he said.

Mr. Lukashenka criticized the lack of progress under the European Union’s Eastern Partnership program. “They proposed it, there was some meeting held once for some unclear purpose and then complete silence followed,” he said.

“We need the Eastern Partnership not for politics. Or, let’s put it this way, above all not for politics. We need the economic component. Let’s act in this direction,” he said.

Mr. Lukashenka denied accusations of starting wars against both Europe and Russia. “I don’t want to be at war with any country. We need peace and quiet, we will find our happiness ourselves. I will manage to organize the country in a way that 10 million people will live normally, as good as in Europe. I guarantee this,” he said.

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