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Poland's presidential candidates describe situation in Belarus as problematic

Bronislaw Komorowski and Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the two candidates in Poland's July 4 presidential runoff, described the situation in Belarus as problematic, according to the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, BelaPAN reports.

The policies of dialogue and sanctions should be combined considering that they have limited success when pursued separately, Mr. Kaczynski said during a televised debate with Mr. Komorowski on June 27.

"I know that a conversation with regimes such as the regime of Lukashenka only makes sense in conjunction with, so to speak, arguments of force and arguments in the form of various stimuli," Mr. Kaczynski said.

It would be reasonable to discuss the situation in Belarus with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who will visit Warsaw after Sunday's election, he said.

Mr. Komorowski replied that such a discussion would run counter to the national interests of Poland.

Poland will have more say on the European Union's policy within the framework of the "common European policy," and the new opportunities should be used to "make the EU's voice louder in talks with President Lukashenka," he said.

To support Belarus' civil society and "change the mentality of the Belarusians," it is necessary to provide assistance to radio stations broadcasting from Poland, Mr. Komorowski said. An interstate agreement on local border traffic, which allows Belarusians to visit Poland without a visa, will also help "bring" Belarus to democratic standards step by step, he said.

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