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Agreement on construction of Belarusian nuclear power plant may be signed with Russia next month

An agreement on the construction of Belarus’ nuclear power plant and personnel training may be signed with Russia next month, Uladzimir Syamashka, the first deputy prime minister, said at a meeting at the Belarusian National Assembly on Wednesday, as quoted by BelaPAN.

“We are currently at the stage of talks nearing the signing of the agreement on personnel training and the construction of the nuclear power plant,” Mr. Syamashka said. “I hope that it will be possible to sign it in July.”

Work to lay concrete foundations for the plant is scheduled to begin before July 1, 2011, he said.

Mr. Syamashka said that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had pledged to extend a credit line to the Belarusian government to finance the construction to be performed by Russia's company. “This project is mutually beneficial,” he said.

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