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Lithuania’s top officials to ride through Belarus along “roads of Grand Duchy of Litva”

Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius and other senior officials of the Baltic state will take part in a bike ride that will run through “historically Lithuanian areas” between July 25 and August 1, the premier`s spokesperson, Jarda Paukstiene, told BelaPAN on Thursday.

A total of 30 people are to take part in the ride along “roads of the Grand Duchy of Litva" (Lithuania), across Lida and Nyasvizh, the spokesperson said.

Economy Minister Dainius Kreivys and Social Security and Labor Minister Donatas Jankauskas will join the event, along with members of the Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats.

Participants will meet with members of local Lithuanian communities and visit a Roman Catholic church.

As for the report that Mr. Kubilius invited Alyaksandr Lukashenka to join the ride while visiting Minsk last month, Ms. Paukstiene said that the initiation was “more a joke than an official proposition.”

Vilnius is not aware whether any Belarusian officials intend to take part in the ride, she said.

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