

    Troupe of Yanka Kupala Theater marks 90th anniversary with comical show

    The troupe of the National Academic Yanka Kupala Theater marked its 90th anniversary with a comical show on July 29, BelaPAN reports.

    The event was the last show staged in the theater before its massive renovation, which is expected to take two and a half years. The show featured actors jokingly arguing about how to mark the occasion and recalling the theater's hit productions.

    Mikalay Pinihin, art director of the theater, spoke to the audience about the renovation plans.

    Culture Minister Pavel Latushka congratulated the troupe on behalf of Alyaksandr Lukashenka and handed out diplomas and prizes among the actors. "In two years' time we will meet each other in a new, state-of-the-art building. But one thing that should remain unchanged is the soul of the Kupala theater that is a value of Belarusian culture," the minister said.

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