
Work in full swing in Lida ahead of farming festival

Work is in full swing in Lida to make the western Belarusian city more attractive ahead of this year’s national end-of-harvest festival, Dazhynki.

The authorities plan to finish the first phase in the renovation of the local stone castle that was built in 1323 by order of Gediminas (1275-1341), the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Litva.

The renovation work started 20 years ago, but it is projected to be completed at least in part only this September and fully in 2012.

According to the Lida District Executive Committee, one tower of the castle will incorporate a museum and one more tower a café and a store. Their Soviet-era brickwork will be replaced with modern material.

Workers are to rebuild the castle’s southwestern tower, western wall and fortified galleries, as well as lay communications lines before mid-September.

After the festival, the work will switch to the yard and the interior of the towers to make them fit for tourists’ visits. A local headman's house, barracks and a well will be built.

Local historian Stanislaw Sudnik told BelaPAN that the castle had to undergo the first ordeal in 1659 when it was set afire by a Moscow voivode. Since then, the castle was sinking in decay and escaped demolition by miracle several times, the historian said, adding that funds for the current work had been found only tanks to the decision to hold the farming festival in the city.

Historian Tatsyana Zakharava said that fragments of old pieces could be found around the castle, noting that she had herself discovered several “souvenirs from the past,” fragments of ceramic and glass items, and nails.

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