Другие материалы рубрики «English»

  1. Belarus continues to demand removal of all trade barriers within Eurasian Economic Union
    Mr. Lukashenka said that while Kazakhstan and Russia seemed to have no objections to free trade regime exceptions, Belarus viewed them as unacceptable.
  2. Lukashenka says that Belarus seeks normal relations with European Union, United States
    Belarus will try to establish normal relations with the European Union and the United States


Economy ministry to raise producer price ceilings for dairy products, beef, pork

The Belarusian economy ministry will raise the producer price ceilings for dairy products, beef and pork later this month and in October, said the press office of the ministry, BelaPAN reports.

Under the ministry’s directive, in September and October, the maximum producer prices will be raised by a total of eight percent for beef and by six percent for pork. On September 16, the maximum prices will be raised by two percent for milk, kefir, sour cream and curds.

The price ceilings will be raised on the proposal of the agriculture and food ministry for compensating the producers for a recent increase in the prices at which milk, cattle and hogs are purchased from farms, and for bringing the domestic prices of dairy products and meat closer to those in neighboring countries, the press office explained.

The previous increase in the producer price ceilings for beef and pork occurred in July and for dairy products in August.

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