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EP president describes Belarus` coming presidential election as crucial

Belarus’ coming presidential election will be crucial for the country’s further relations with the European Union, Jerzy Buzek, president of the European Parliament, said in a statement issued on Wednesday, as quoted by BelaPAN.

Dr. Buzek welcomed Minsk’s move to invite observers of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights to monitor the campaign. “I expect that they will be able to work freely and without impediments,” he said. “The OSCE/ODIHR recommendations must indeed be followed to the letter for this election to be considered as fair and democratic.”

The EP president called on the Belarusian authorities to guarantee “a level playing field for all candidates,” mentioning conditions for the registration of candidates, the inclusion of opposition activists in local election commissions of all levels, the integrity of the early voting and the transparency of the vote count.

”I am also concerned about the state of free media in Belarus and I call on Belarusian authorities to ensure equal access to the media for all candidates, and end the intimidation and harassment of independent journalists,” he said.

Speaking about the 2006 presidential elections in the country, Dr. Buzek said that they amounted to “little more than a farce of democracy.” “This is not how democratic processes work: democracy is not a staged play with a director and actors following a script,” he said. “Democracy is the exercise and expression of the free and independent will of the people.”

“I encourage the democratic forces of the country to unite their efforts to create a credible choice for the Belarusian voters,” Dr. Buzek said. “The EU and its member states wholeheartedly support the Belarusian people in their strive for a free, democratic and independent Belarus.”

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