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Nyaklyayew to be nominated as delegate to All-Belarusian People's Assembly


Uladzimir Nyaklyayew will be nominated as a delegate to the Fourth All-Belarusian People's Assembly, Yuliya Rymashewskaya, spokeswoman for the presidential hopeful, told BelaPAN on Thursday.

According to her, in August, activists of the "Tell the Truth!" campaign, which is led by Mr. Nyaklyayew, collected some 25,000 signatures to a petition calling for his participation in the Assembly.

"Since September, we have been waiting for the date of the conference to be announced," she said. "We currently study nomination rules to make sure that our application is entirely flawless and impossible to reject."

On Wednesday, Alyaksandr Lukashenka set the Fourth All-Belarusian People's Assembly for December 6 and 7.

The conference is expected to be the culmination of Mr. Lukashenka's reelection campaign in the run-up to the December 19 presidential vote.

According to the Belarusian leader's press office, the agenda of the forum will feature the implementation of the 2006-10 Social and Economic Development Program and the guidelines of the 2011-15 Social and Economic Development Program.

The national organizing committee for the event, which is to be attended by 2,500 delegates, is chaired by Prime Minister Syarhey Sidorski and Uladzimir Makey, head of the Presidential Administration.

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