Другие материалы рубрики «English»

  1. Belarus continues to demand removal of all trade barriers within Eurasian Economic Union
    Mr. Lukashenka said that while Kazakhstan and Russia seemed to have no objections to free trade regime exceptions, Belarus viewed them as unacceptable.
  2. Lukashenka says that Belarus seeks normal relations with European Union, United States
    Belarus will try to establish normal relations with the European Union and the United States


European Commission allocates EUR10 million for Belarus` energy efficiency efforts


The European Commission has allocated EUR10 million to support Belarus` efforts to increase energy efficiency in the production of consumer goods and industrial products, BelaPAN said.

The funds will go toward measures to strengthen the country’s testing laboratory network and support the implementation of a government standardization program, the Delegation of the European Union to Belarus said on Tuesday.

Additional activities will include awareness raising campaigns to be carried out at the local level and the implementation of pilot schemes to increase the energy efficiency of public buildings.

This EUR10-million assistance will be provided through the EU’s European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument that sets aside assistance funds annually to Belarus and 16 other partner states along the EU`s eastern and southern borders.

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