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Lukashenka, Medvedev exchange greetings on occasion of Belarusian-Russian Unity Day

Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Dmitry Medvedev have exchanged messages of greetings on the occasion of Belarusian-Russian Unity Day (April 2).

“This remarkable holiday is striking evidence of our peoples’ intention to establish relations based on friendship and mutual support,” the Belarusian leader says in his message. “I am convinced that our efficient cooperation will open up new prospects for integration processes and contribute to the strengthening of Belarusian-Russian brotherly ties.”

“Our countries are connected by the strong ties of common history, friendship and centuries-long brotherhood,” says the Russian president. “This predetermines our particular responsibility for the efficient development of Russian-Belarusian integration cooperation on the principles of equality and mutual benefit.”

Unity Day greetings on behalf of Alyaksandr Lukashenka have also been sent to, among others, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin; Sergei Mironov, chairman of the Federation Council (Russia’s upper parliamentary house); Boris Gryzlov, speaker of the State Duma (lower house); and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill (Cyril I).

On April 2, 1996, Mr. Lukashenka and Boris Yeltsin, Russia`s first president, signed an agreement on the formation of a “Belarusian-Russian Community.” After a year, on April 2, 1997, the two leaders signed an accord that transformed the Community into a Union. On December 8, 1999, Messrs. Lukashenka and Yeltsin signed the Treaty on the Formation of the Belarusian-Russian Union State. //BelaPAN

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