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Single exchange rate of rubel may be achieved very quickly and without negative consequences, IMF expert says


A single exchange rate of the Belarusian rubel may be achieved very quickly and without negative consequences for the economy, Natallya Kalyadzina, the International Monetary Fund's resident representative, said during a meeting of the National Club of Directors in the village of Rakaw, Minsk region, on July 15.

Ms. Kalyadzina expressed concern about the current situation in the exchange market, noting that no one knew the real value of the rubel at the moment.

A single exchange should be set on the basis of supply and demand, she suggested. This may be done through an additional session at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange, she said.

Although the national currency would lose some value as a result, this would not lead to economic recession, Ms. Kalyadzina noted. //BelaPAN

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