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Belarusian Popular Front warns of Russian threat to Belarus’ independence


Russian “imperialism” is the main threat to Belarus’ independence, said a resolution adopted at the Belarusian Popular Front’s convention in Minsk on September 10.

According to the resolution, it is the Kremlin that is to blame to a great extent for the “Belarusian regime’s crimes” because it “has not only constantly recognized rigged elections but also supported Alyaksandr Lukashenka politically and economically.”

The Belarusian Popular Front warned that participation in ex-Soviet economic, political and security blocs runs counter to Belarus’ interests and the country must quit the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Union State of Belarus and Russia and especially the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

The party also sounded an alarm over the privatization of Belarus’ state-owned enterprises, which it said may end up in Russia’s hands, and warned that all privatization deals would be reviewed openly after the country “returns to the path of democratic development.”

In another statement adopted at the convention, the party urged top government officials to recognize their political course and economic policy as erroneous, “abandon untenable economic concepts that have put Belarus on the brink of survival” and step down.

One more statement demanded the release and full exoneration of all political prisoners, which it said is the key condition for a dialogue between the authorities and their political opponents. //BelaPAN

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