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Lukashenka to stay in Moscow on Monday, Tuesday


Alyaksandr Lukashenka will stay in Moscow on December 19 and 20 to take part in a number of top-level meetings in the framework of multilateral integration alliances, according to the presidential press office.

In particular, the first full-scale meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council at the level of the heads of state will take place in the Russian capital city on Monday. The presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia are expected to adopt a package of 17 fundamental agreements forming the legal base of the Common Economic Zone of the three states.

In pursuance of the Agreement on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Commission, which was signed by the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia in Moscow on November 18, 2011, the heads of state will make a number of decisions concerning the beginning of the functioning of the Commission, the press office said.

In particular, the Council is expected to approve appointments to the positions of chairperson and board member and adopt the Commission’s budget.

“The agenda also includes discussing the sequence of joint steps aimed at the adoption of coordinated measures of trade and economic policy in the event of pressure on a member state of the Customs Union, which would make it possible to protect the interests of each of the three states in a coordinated way,” the press office said.

The Council is also expected to consider a number of international agreements that would be added to the legal basis for the Customs Union.

A meeting of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) will also be held in Moscow on December 19.

Since the Common Economic Zone starts functioning on January 1, 2012, the Council has to adopt a package of documents that would govern the EurAsEC Court, which will have its seat in Moscow, the press office said.

On December 20, Mr. Lukashenka is to participate in a meeting of the heads of state of the member countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and in an informal meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which is to be held on the occasion of the Commonwealth’s 20th anniversary. //BelaPAN

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