Другие материалы рубрики «English»

  1. Human rights groups condemn European Olympic Committees for “sportswashing” human rights abuses in Azerbaijan
    The coalition also condemns EOC President Patrick Hickey for praising the Azerbaijani leader, Ilham Aliyev.
  2. Kobryn-based opposition activist Ales Mekh launches presidential bid
    Apart from Mr. Mekh, six persons have already announced their intention to run in this year’s presidential election...


Lukashenka to hold large news conference on Friday


Alyaksandr Lukashenka plans to hold a large news conference in Minsk on December 23 to speak about the results of the expiring year.

According to the presidential press office, attending the event will be some 400 journalists representing more than 300 state and non-state media outlets and accredited foreign media organizations.

The news conference, which will take place in the conference hall of the National Library, is to be broadcast live by television channel Belarus One and the First National Channel of Belarusian Radio, starting at noon. //BelaPAN

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