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Lukashenka denies rumors that businessman Peftsiyew fled Belarus


Alyaksandr Lukashenka denied on Friday speculation that Uladzimir Peftsiyew, a businessman described by the European Union as his chief economic advisor and a key financial sponsor of his regime, had fled Belarus and was staying in the United Arab Emirates.

Minutes after he was asked by a reporter to confirm or deny the rumor, Mr. Lukashenka was given a note drawn up by "competent agencies," which said that Mr. Peftsiyew "still resides in Belarus, runs his business, heads the Belarusian Tennis Federation, often visits the United Arab Emirates." Mr. Lukashenka explained that the man had business interests in the UAE.

He criticized the sanctions imposed by the European Union on Mr. Peftsiyew on which he said were "completely far-fetched and even false grounds." According to him, the sanctions restricted Mr. Peftsiyew's contacts with European business partners.

"He is still in the country. I don't know where this report that the man had fled somewhere originated. I don't know why he should flee. Let him work," Mr. Lukashenka concluded.

The EU imposed a travel ban and asset freeze on Mr. Peftsiyew this past June over his close ties with Alyaksandr Lukashenka.

The 27-nation bloc also blacklisted arms trader BelTechExport, lottery operator Sport-Pary (Sport-Pari) and telecommunications company BT Telekamunikatsyi (BT Telecommunications), three companies that are believed to be controlled by Mr. Peftsiyew.

The businessman filed a lawsuit with the EU Court of Justice to fight the sanctions. //BelaPAN

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