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Belarusian language should become factor of consolidation and not confrontation, expert says


The Belarusian language should become a factor of consolidation and not confrontation, Alyaksandr Lukashanets, director of the Language and Literature Institute at the National Academy of Sciences, said during a round-table conference held in Minsk on Thursday.

"This means that any Belarusian accent should be welcomed today," Dr. Lukashanets said. "And we should realize that there are spheres where any state language may be used and spheres where only the Belarusian literary language should be used. This is the sphere of education and the official sphere. If this is done, the Belarusian language will not only become a major [development] factor for national culture but come to function more widely as a real means of communication."

Dr. Lukashanets said that the Belarusian language was developing along the same lines as all Slavic languages.

Despite all problems with the use of Belarusian, it is gaining new ground and becoming the language of choice for many web users and religious organizations, he said.

There are the preconditions for the Belarusian language to start performing as a state language, Dr. Lukashanets said. Belarusian will spread into all areas of life if language regulations are strictly followed, he said.

"Successful, authoritative, respected and beautiful people should promote the Belarusian language today," Dr. Lukashanets stressed. "If we hear the Belarusian language from such members of our public, everybody else will be more willing to use it." //BelaPAN

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