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Russian rock band set to defy warning not to use profane language at Minsk show


Leningrad, who are scheduled to give a gig in Minsk on May 18, will play their songs uncensored in defiance of a warning issued by the Prosecutor General's Office, the manager of the Russian rock band, Denis Veyko, told BelaPAN .

Pavel Radzivonaw, a departmental head at the Prosecutor General's Office, told reporters on Monday that although the Leningrad concert at the Dozari club had not been cancelled, its organizers had been warned against the use of profane language.

The band's frontman, Sergei Shnurov, is notorious for the extensive use of profanities in his songs.

Mr. Veyko told BelaPAN that the concert would go ahead as planned. Its organizers have already solved the "temporary problem," he said without elaborating.

Leningrad do not plan to censor their songs, he said. Almost all of them contain profane language and removing it will make the concert meaningless, he said.

A representative of the Dozari club told BelaPAN that fans were looking forward to the Leningrad show and buying tickets.

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