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Government is still determined to sell stake in mobile phone network MTS, deputy prime minister says


The Belarusian government has not abandoned its plans to sell its stake in mobile phone network Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), Deputy Prime Minister Anatol Kalinin said in Minsk on May 31.

The sale of the 51-percent stake is still on the agenda, according to the deputy prime minister. "We are waiting for a buyer and a specific offer on its part," he said.
Mr. Kalinin recalled that Belarus had already named its price and was not going to settle for less.

"If there's a worthy buyer, we will come to the negotiating table and make a decision," he noted.

The stake may be also sold through an auction, he said. "But if there's an investor who would agree to pay our price, why not hold direct talks?" he said.

The government failed to auction off its stake in MTS at the end of last year. The auction was cancelled because the bidders had reportedly offered too little for the stake.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka announced in March 2011 that he was ready to sell the stake in MTS to Russia's Mobile TeleSystems, which owns the other 49 percent, for $1 billion. "We don't mind, but they should put $1 billion on the table," he said. "A valuation has been made. If they want, they are welcome, if they don't, we'll put it up for auction."

Launched in June 2002, MTS is said to be the largest mobile phone network in Belarus. //BelaPAN

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