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Rights defender urges company's staff to annul nomination of Viktar Huminski for House of Representatives


Human rights defender Ihar Lednik has petitioned the staff of AAT Ekran to annul their decision to nominate Viktar Huminski for the House of Representatives.

Mr. Huminski, who currently holds the post of deputy chairman of the House of Representatives, seeks reelection to the lower parliamentary chamber in September's elections.

In his petition to the Barysaw-based company's staff, Mr. Lednik says that earlier this year he repeatedly asked Mr. Huminski to initiate a process to remove Alyaksandr Lukashenka from office under Article 88 of the constitution in connection with Russian media's reports that the Belarusian leader is too ill to perform the duties of president.

Mr. Huminski refused to do so and replied to Mr. Lednik that "there are no legal grounds" for such a process.

The activist believes that the refusal amounted to a violation of laws and the lower chamber's rules of procedure. //BelaPAN

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