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Households' disposable resources in first half of 2012 averaged more than 4.2 million a month, Belstat says


The Belarusian households' disposable resources in the first half of 2012 averaged out at 4,214,600 rubels ($510) a month, according to the National Statistical Committee (Belstat).

Disposable resources are defined as the sum of money income and the value of the produced and consumed foodstuffs and the received benefits.

Disposable resources reportedly averaged out at 1,749,400 rubels a month per member of a household. Per-member disposable resources in cities and urban-type villages were 16.9 percent higher than in rural areas: 1,817,800 against 1,555,600 rubels.

Low-income households (households whose per-member disposable resources are below the Subsistence Minimum Budget) accounted for 5.3 percent of the total number. The share of low-income households was 4.1 percent in cities and urban-type villages and 7.7 percent in rural areas.

Households with children under 18 years of age accounted for 64.9 percent of the total number of low-income households, households without children for 21 percent and one-member households for 14.1 percent.

Households spent 3,176,600 rubels a month on the average on consumer goods and services, with food accounting for 45.3 percent of the total spending, alcoholic drinks for 2.6 percent, non-food consumer goods for 35 percent, and services for 17.1 percent. //BelaPAN

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