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Official statisticians report unemployment rate of 0.6 percent as of late August


Belarus' unemployment rate was 0.6 percent of the economically active population as of late August, reported the National Statistical Committee (Belstat).

As many as 4,572,200 people were employed in the national economy in the first eight months of 2012, 2.1 percent less than in the same period the previous year, Belstat said.

As many as 27,800 unemployed people were on the register as of late August, 1.9 percent less than a month earlier and 11.8 percent less than a year earlier.

According to Belstat, employers other than small private companies hired 585,600 people, including 34,000 people for newly created jobs, between January and August 2012.

As many as 628,500 employees were dismissed during the period. Of the total number, 6.6 percent were fired for absenteeism or other breaches of the employer's regulations and 0.9 percent lost their jobs because of staff reduction or the liquidation of the organization. //BelaPAN

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