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System of extra classes for schoolchildren may be reintroduced


The education ministry is considering the possibility of reintroducing extra classes in specific subjects for capable schoolchildren in grades nine through 11, Education Minister Syarhey Maskevich told reporters in Minsk on Wednesday.

The system of extra classes was abolished by a presidential decree in July 2008 because of the reintroduction of an 11-year general education school program instead of a 12-year program. Instead, students were offered to attend optional classes to study subjects of their choice in greater depth. Such classes are available in rural schools is at least three students apply for them and in city schools if there are at least five applications.

The optional class system is rather inefficient, Mr. Maskevich noted, adding that a decision to reintroduce the old system could be made only at the "highest level."

If the problem is not solved within a year, the education ministry can use the existing legal framework to make school training as specialized as possible, he said. //BelaPAN

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