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Lukashenka dismisses another general of Air and Air Defense Force


Alyaksandr Lukashenka has, by his presidential edict, dismissed General Major Alyaksandr Pashukevich from his position as commander of the forces of the Northwestern Operational and Tactical Command of the Air and Air Defense Force and transferred him to the reserve.

Colonel Ihar Dzemidzenka has been appointed to the position, according to the presidential press office.

On September 24, the Belarusian leader dismissed General Major Uladzimir Bashtanenka from his position as deputy commander-in-chief of the Air and Air Defense Force.

On July 31, Mr. Lukashenka dismissed the Force’s commander-in-chief, General Major Dzmitry Pakhmelkin, following an incident in which two representatives of Sweden’s advertising agency Studio Total illegally flew a small plane from Lithuania to Belarus and dropped hundreds of parachute-wearing teddy bears that carried pro-human rights messages on the small city of Ivyanets and Minsk’s outskirts before flying back to Lithuania unhindered. //BelaPAN

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