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Belarus urges UN Economic and Social Council to prevent protectionist measures and unilateral economic sanctions


The Belarusian foreign ministry has called on the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to ensure the strict observance of the free and fair trade principles, which "rule out the application of protectionist measures and unilateral economic sanctions."

This is necessary for the sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy, Vadzim Pisarevich, a senior official at the Belarusian foreign ministry, said in New York on Monday, speaking during a discussion of the ECOSOC's report within the framework of the 67th session of the UN General Assembly.

While implementing its sustainable development and green economy concept, the ECOSOC should take the gap between development levels into account and work to prevent the technological dependence of developing countries from increasing, Mr. Pisarevich said //BelaPAN.

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