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Belarus’ embassy in Berlin advertises business opportunities in the country

About 40 German businesspeople, diplomats and representatives of non-governmental organizations attended an event titled, "Belarus: A Country between the EU and Russia. Opportunities for German Businesses in Belarus," which held in Berlin on November 29, reported the press office of the Belarusian foreign ministry.

According to the press office, the event was organized by the Belarusian embassy and the Berlin-Brandenburg Society.

Ambassador Andrey Hiro told those present about the current state of and trends in the Belarusian economy and the country’s industrial and scientific potential.

"Participants were familiarized with the dynamics of Belarusian-German cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, as well as the steps taken by the country’s leadership to create a favorable business environment and attract foreign investment," the press office said. "The Belarusian ambassador paid particular attention to the conditions and opportunities for establishing production cooperation with Belarusian partners in the context of our country`s membership in the Customs Union and the Common Economic Zone." //BelaPAN

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