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Ukraine interested in Belarusian agricultural machinery being assembled in its territory, first deputy prime minister says


Ukraine is interested in establishing joint companies that would assemble Belarusian agricultural machinery, in the first instance combines and tractors, in its territory, First Deputy Prime Minister Valeriy Khoroshkovskiy said Thursday while meeting with his Belarusian counterpart, Uladzimir Syamashka in Homyel, reported the Council of Ministers press office.

Mr. Khoroshkovskiy noted that the Ukrainian government’s target was to provide the country’s agricultural sector with up to $50 billion worth of new machinery from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

“We are currently in talks with Belarusian, German and American manufacturers,” he said. “I was impressed by what I saw, for instance, at Minsk Tractor Works from the standpoint of both the quality and the model range. Ukraine has the same interest in grain harvesters.” //BelaPAN

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