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Modernization of enterprises is government's top priority in 2013, prime minister says


The modernization of Belarusian enterprises is the government's top priority in 2013, Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich said at a government conference on Thursday.

The conference was attended by top officials representing ministries and other governmental agencies, as well as state industrial conglomerates, the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee, according to the Council of Ministers' press office.

Each company should have a modernization plan and should implement it efficiently, Mr. Myasnikovich said. He tasked the finance and economy ministries with identifying sources of funding for the modernization effort and announced that as much equipment needed for companies' modernization as possible should be imported this year.

Mr. Myasnikovich stressed that all economic performance targets should be met in 2013. //BelaPAN

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