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ILO ready to consider complaint about Lukashenka's restrictive decree


The International Labor Organization (ILO) is ready to consider a complaint about Alyaksandr Lukashenka's decree that prohibits employees of woodworking companies from quitting their jobs without the employer's permission until the completion of their modernization, Germany's Deutsche Welle reported with reference to Kari Tapiola, special advisor to the ILO director general.

Mr. Tapiola said that the international organization had not yet received any formal complaint about the decree.

The ILO cannot comment on the decree so far, according to the official. ILO experts can express their opinion on whether the decree complies with international law only after studying it, he explained.

He suggested that the decree could run counter to the 1930 Forced Labor Convention and the 1964 Employment Policy Convention. The conventions declare workers' right to accept or reject a job.

The controversial decree, which was issued on December 7, 2012, requires all employees of woodworking companies to sign fixed-term labor contracts. After their expiration, the contracts shall be prolonged by the maximum possible period. New contracts shall be signed after that period expires.

The restriction is expected to be lifted once the modernization of the company is over.

The decree is also aimed at discouraging workers from getting fired for poor work. Under the decree, employees that will be fired for performing their duties improperly will have to repay all of their monthly bonuses to the enterprise.

Independent trade unions and opposition organizations have condemned the decree as inconsistent with the Belarusian constitution and the International Labor Organization's conventions.

Nevertheless, Mr. Lukashenka warned on December 13 while visiting woodworking company Vitsyebskdrew that the decree should be "implemented unconditionally." // BelaPAN

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