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Motor fuel prices raised by four to 6.7 percent


The Belarusian State Petrochemical Industry Concern (Belnaftakhim) on January 16 raised its retail prices of gasoline and diesel fuel by four to 6.7 percent.

According to Belnaftakhim’s press office, Normal-80 gasoline increased in price by 450 rubels to 7,200 rubels per liter, 92 octane gasoline by between 350-450 to 7,300-7,400 rubels, 95 octane gasoline by 300 to 7,800 rubels, and diesel fuel by 350 to 8,000 rubels.

Belnaftakhim linked the first increase in the prices this year to a 20-percent rise in the rate of excise tax on petroleum products and a fourfold rise in the rail transportation rate for petroleum products.

In 2012, motor fuel prices were raised four times, with Normal-80 gasoline increasing in price by 32.4 percent, 92 octane gasoline by 21.9 percent, 95 octane gasoline by 23 percent and diesel fuel by 21.4 percent. //BelaPAN

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