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Opposition activist complains to police about attack by two unknown men


Opposition activist Yuliya Stsyapanava on Wednesday complained to the police about an attack on her by two unknown men.

As the member of an opposition group called European Belarus had just gotten off a bus and was walking home in Minsk on the night between January 13 and 14, she was assaulted by the thugs, who pushed the young woman to the ground and cut off much of her hair.

As Ms. Stsyapanava told BelaPAN, she filed her complaint with a district police inspector and was interviewed by him for more than an hour.

The young woman, who suffered a cut lip in the attack, planned to have her injury recorded by doctors on January 17.

According to the activist, during the attack the thugs threatened her and told her to stop helping persecuted dissidents.

Ms. Stsyapanava, who has used social networking sites to collect donations for political prisoners, had received anonymous threats before the attack.

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