Другие материалы рубрики «English»

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Passenger traffic across Belarus’ border reported up almost eight percent in 2012


Passenger traffic through Belarus’ border increased by 7.8 percent in 2012, reported the State Border Committee.

According to the Committee, a total of 29.1 million people crossed the border last year, with 12.2 million of them being foreigners.

The number of people crossing the border with Ukraine increased by 10.4 percent, wth Poland by 7.5 percent and with Lithuania by 4.3 percent, while the number of people crossing the border with Latvia decreased by 0.7 percent, the Committee said.

“Transport flows to foreign destinations” decreased by 2.7 percent, with transportation by rail and car being the main contributors, while freight transportation across the border increased by 14 percent, the Committee said.

According to the Committee, about 9.7 million motor vehicles crossed the border in 2012, with the number of vehicles crossing the border with Lithuania decreased by 8.5 percent, with Latvia by seven percent and with Poland by 1.4 percent. Vehicles crossing the border with Ukraine increased in number by 3.6 percent.

Passenger air transportation across the border increased by 10.2 percent, while the number of aircraft crossing the border increased by 3.8 percent, according to the Committee. // BelaPAN

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