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Belarusian Railroads delegation meets with head of Latvia’s national rail operator


A delegation of Belarusian Railroads, led by CEO Uladzimir Marozaw, on February 7 met with Ugis Magonis, chairman of the board of SJSC Latvijas dzelzcels (Latvia’s national rail operator), to review cooperation in freight and passenger transportation and discuss promising cooperation areas, reported the press office of the Belarusian foreign ministry.

While in Riga, Mr. Marozaw also had a meeting with Alyaksandr Herasimenka, the Belarusian ambassador to Latvia, to discuss Belarusian-Latvian cooperation in the sphere of transportation, the implementation of agreements between the national rail operators and ways of optimizing the transportation of Belarusian shipments via Latvia’s seaports, the press office said.

In 2012, Belarusian Railroads reportedly carried some 31.7 million tons of shipments heading to Latvia. //BelaPAN

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