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Deputy Foreign Minister Kupchyna meets with high-ranking EU officials in Brussels


Belarusian Deputy Foreign Minister Alena Kupchyna had meetings with a number of high-ranking European officials during her April 8-10 visit to Brussels, reported the press office of the foreign ministry.

According to the press office, Ms. Kupchyna met with Stefan Fule, the European Union's commissioner for enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy; Helga Schmidt, deputy secretary general of the European External Action Service (EEAS); Luis Felipe Fernandez de la Pena, the EEAS' managing director for Europe and Central Asia; Peter Balas, the European Commission's deputy director general for external trade; and Gunnar Wiegand, the EEAS's director for Russia, the Eastern Partnership, Central Asia, Regional Cooperation and the OSCE.

"The sides discussed the prospects for the development of cooperation between Belarus and the European Union, including issues concerning the Eastern Partnership and a dialogue between experts in areas of mutual interest," the press office reported. "The possibility of holding Belarus-EU consultations on trade issues was discussed as well.”

Mr. Kupchyna also met with Elmar Brok, chairperson of the European Parliament`s Committee on Foreign Affairs, the press office said. //BelaPAN

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