Другие материалы рубрики «English»

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Health ministry wants nursing facilities for infirm to be opened in Minsk


The health ministry wants nursing facilities for the infirm to be opened in Minsk, Lyudmila Zhylevich, a deputy departmental head at the ministry, told reporters in the Belarusian capital on Thursday.

Belarus has a total of 108 nursing facilities. Six of them were opened in 2012, she said.

Nursing facilities are institutions where patients, mainly elderly people with chronic disease, stay for up to three months. Patients may then become temporary residents at a rest home or return home, according to Ms. Zhylevich.

The official stressed that such facilities were much needed in Minsk. "Every day we get phone calls and questions from people who don`t know what institution to contact," she said, linking the lack of such facilities in the city to a shortage of premises and health workers. //BelaPAN

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