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KGB issues second warning to civil society activist in Mahilyow region for activities on behalf of unregistered organization


Aleh Aksyonaw, a coordinator of Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) in the Mahilyow region, on Monday received a second warning from the Committee for State Security (KGB) for activities on behalf of an unregistered organization.

According to the BCD press office, Mr. Aksyonaw was told that criminal proceedings might be instituted against him.

The BCD considers the warning to be a "flagrant violation" of the right of citizens to freedom of association, which is guaranteed by the constitution, the press office noted. "The warning issued to Aleh Aksyonaw, arrests prior to and during the "Charnobylski Shlyakh" demonstration in Minsk and the deterioration of the confinement conditions for political prisoners vividly show that there is neither political liberalization nor a loosening of the regime’s grip in Belarus," the press office said. "Quite the contrary, the law enforcement and state security agencies continue their efforts to destroy civil society in the country."

The BCD calls on Belarusian and international human rights and political organizations to pay attention to the problem and demand its immediate solution, the press office said. //BelaPAN

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