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Belarusian ambassador meets with Latvian transport minister, seaport manager


Belarusian Ambassador Aleksandr Herasimenka met with Latvian Transport Minister Anrijs Matiss and Riga Vice Mayor Andris Ameriks, chairman of the board of the Riga Free Port, within the framework of an international conference in Riga between June 6 and 7.

Messrs. Herasimenka, Matiss and Ameriks noted that Belarus and Latvia were interested to jointly establish transport and logistics facilities at the Latvian port, according to the press office of the Belarusian foreign ministry.

The conference, TransBaltika 2013, featured representatives of the transport ministries, customs agencies, transport and logistics companies and think tanks in Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Russia, and Sweden.

Participants at the conference noted the need to develop the carriage of goods via Belarus and Latvia and the transshipment of Belarusian goods through Latvian ports and played up the importance of the Zubr container train for increasing the carriage of goods between Baltic and Black Sea ports, the press office said. //BelaPAN

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