Другие материалы рубрики «English»

  1. Belarus continues to demand removal of all trade barriers within Eurasian Economic Union
    Mr. Lukashenka said that while Kazakhstan and Russia seemed to have no objections to free trade regime exceptions, Belarus viewed them as unacceptable.
  2. Lukashenka says that Belarus seeks normal relations with European Union, United States
    Belarus will try to establish normal relations with the European Union and the United States


Deputy Foreign Minister Huryanaw meets with European Commission’s deputy director general for external trade in Brussels


Belarusian Deputy Foreign Minister Alyaksandr Huryanaw met with Peter Balas, deputy director general of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Trade, in Brussels on June 17, reported the press office of the foreign ministry.

Messrs. Huryanaw and Balas discussed relations between Belarus and the EU in the context of Belarus’ effort to join the World Trade Organization, and issues concerning Belarus-EU trade and economic cooperation, the press office said. //BelaPAN

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