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Belarus has highest inflation rate among post-Soviet nations in first seven months of 2013


Belarus had the highest inflation rate among the post-Soviet nations in the first seven months of 2013, according to official statistical data.

Consumer prices reportedly rose by eight percent in Belarus during the period compared with 4.4 percent in Russia, 3.2 percent in Armenia, 2.8 percent in Kazakhstan, 2.5 percent in Estonia, 1.6 percent in Tajikistan, 1.3 percent in Moldova, 1.2 percent in Kyrgyzstan, 0.5 percent in Azerbaijan, 0.2 percent in Latvia, and 0.1 percent in Ukraine.

Consumer prices did not change in Lithuania and fell by 0.9 percent in Georgia and by 1.7 percent in Turkmenistan. No data were available for Uzbekistan.

In the self-proclaimed Republic of Transdniestria (Transnistria), Moldova, consumer prices reportedly rose by 2.4 percent.

With an increase of one percent, Belarus had the highest rise in consumer prices in July, compared with a 0.8-percent increase in Russia, a 0.4-percent increase in Armenia, and a 0.2-percent increase in Kazakhstan. Consumer prices fell by 0.1 percent in Tajikistan, Ukraine and Estonia, by 0.3 percent in Kyrgyzstan and Latvia, by 0.7 percent in Azerbaijan and Lithuania, by one percent in Moldova and by 1.3 percent in Georgia.

Belarus had the highest inflation among the post-Soviet nations in 2011 and 2012, with a 108.7-percent and a 21.8-percent rate, respectively. //BelaPAN

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