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Polish ambassador indicates that Lukashenka would be unwelcome at Eastern Partnership summit


It would be premature for Belarus to be represented at the forthcoming Eastern Partnership summit at the highest level, Polish ambassador Leszek Szerepka told reporters in Minsk on Thursday.

"The level of representation depends on the level of relations between Belarus and the European Union," he said. "The time has not yet come for representation at the highest level."

According to Mr. Szerepka, the European Union is sending unambiguous signals to Minsk to indicate who will be welcome at the summit, which will be held in Vilnius on November 28 and 29. "I think that the Belarusian side can read this signal well," he said."Remember who represented Belarus at the summit in Prague. Our relations were much better back then."

Belarus was represented at the Eastern Partnership summit in Prague in 2009 by First Deputy Prime Minister Uladzimir Syamashka and Syarhey Martynaw, who was then foreign minister.

At the same time, it is up to Belarus to decide who will participate in the Vilnius summit on its behalf, Mr. Szerepka said.

When asked what the European Union would do if Alyaksandr Lukashenka, who is barred from entering the EU, decided to go to the summit, Mr. Szerepka said, "If there is such a decision, we`ll think."

Mr. Szerepka noted that Minsk had not released the political prisoners despite "constant promises" to free them.

An invitation for Belarus to participate in the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius was extended in early October. Belarus has not yet notified the EU who will represent the country at the summit. //BelaPAN

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