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Industrial companies' net losses reported up 140 percent year-on-year in first nine months of 2013


The net losses of unprofitable industrial companies in Belarus in the first nine months of 2013 totaled 3,049 billion rubels (over $350 million), 140 percent more than in the same period the previous year, according to the National Statistical Committee (Belstat).

As many as 321 companies, or 16.2 percent of the total number, operated at a loss in January-September 2013 compared with 188 companies, 9.5 percent, in the same period in 2012, Belstat reported.

The profitability of sales in the industrial sector in January-September 2013 was 7.9 percent, down from 12.4 percent in the first nine months of 2012.

Proceeds from sales of goods and services increased by 2.9 percent year-on-year to total 483.1 trillion rubels.

Net profits totaled 18.4 trillion rubels, a 51.5-percent decrease, Belstat said. //BelaPAN

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